Hello everyone! (although I believe, as of today the only readers are a few of my classmates from the amazing Master in Telecom and Digital Business at IE Business School). Although this blog has started as an assignment for my "Web 2.0 and Customer Driven Innovation" class, I am overly excited to be able to put my thoughts into a blog (which I have to admit, is my first one ever). Especially since I will be writing about technology, new trends, the present and the future and how this affects our everyday life and of course the way we do business ( I am at a Business School and absolutely love business).
So.... why "The Red Pill"? as most of you know I take this from the movie "The Matrix" when Neo has to choose between the blue or the red pill in order to be able to see "The Matrix", as you also probably know, Neo took the latter and became the savior of the world.
My plan with this blog is not to save the world (very hard to do it with a blog), but more to talk about the new technologies that are becoming part of our daily lives, hence changing the way we live them. I will try to keep it very informal, since I believe that it is more entertaining and has a personal touch as well.
My purpose with this is to be able to "translate" technological innovation into simple language. I am not an engineer, I actually did Marketing for my undergraduate studies (I will be updating my Bio soon), but I have worked, lived and studied with Engineers, and I feel that there is a knowledge gap between all the great innovations that are happening and the knowledge that the common citizens have on the innovations. More specifically, businesses, since the common citizen really doesn't need to know more than how to use a tool such as Twitter or Facebook (although I plan to talk about how this companies make money out of our strange passion to know what is going on with our friends and the friends of our friends...etc etc, cause at the end of the day, these are companies and companies are here to make money).
But as we spend more and more time writing in our blog, updating our Twitter account, looking at pictures in Facebook, we are spending less and less time watching TV, listening to the radio, walking in a shopping mall, making it very very difficult for companies to reach us with their very expensive marketing campaigns.
This poses a great challenge to all companies worldwide...the internet, and more specifically WEB 2.0 (it is not the version of your browser!!.., it is how we, geeks, engineers, IT guys or however you want to call us, refer to the way we use the internet today! , so in very very basic terms...WEB 1.0 was when you would go online and read the content of the web pages, WEB 2.0 means that now people go to the internet and upload their "User Generated Content- UGC" another fancy term that we like to use, so just think about You Tube, Facebook, Delicious, Wikipedia and all those sites where users are the ones who create the content).
So going back to our main topic, WEB 2.0 and the technologies that have been developed to be able to enjoy and even exploit WEB 2.0 (broadband, iPhone, Net PCs), have changed our lives, many new generations think that spending hours on the net is much more fun than spending hours watching TV. The problem comes when, companies, which want to sell stuff to these generations, want to reach them with their marketing message or how we marketers like to call it the "Value Proposition" but cannot because these potential clients (Mostly Generation Y) are spending their time in a place called "Second Life" and trust me, most of the Corporate Executives have no idea what Second Life is....so if they don't know the place how are they going to reach them??
So my plan here is to provide the Red Pill to all of my readers, show them the reality of our world today in terms of technology. Since I am a strong believer of the power of goals and dreams, I should state that my dream and goal with this blog is to be the place to go for businessmen all over the world, I will try and strive to make this the reference point for people that want to understand what is happening in the world in terms of technology and business. Since I know that I am not an expert in all the topics that I will be discussing about, I will love to hear your opinions and comments, also, I will try to have "Guest Bloggers" which I believe will add a lot of value to The Red Pill.
Please check my related blogs as well, since this is an assignment for a class, I have 9 other very smart classmates that will be writing about similar subjects, and of course if you want to read a professional blogger I encourage you to read our Professor Enrique Dans (www.enriquedans.com), he is actually the one who introduced the idea of the Red Pill to us, he even showed us the video from the movie so I just borrowed the idea from him.
All right fellow readers, I will try to keep this as updated as possible, looking forward to hearing from you!
Alberto Sandoval Ponce