As I said in a previous post, I will be talking about what I consider ‘The Cool”, “The Bad” and the "Let’s See" of the GSMA 2009 in Barcelona. My previous post talks about the introduction of MIFI by Telefonica as “The Cool” however yesterday night I came across something that as of now, it seems that it deserves the not so cool title of “The Bad”.
It is the Sony-Ericsson IDOU, the new handset introduced by the Japanese/Swedish handset manufacturer (can’t wait for the news saying that this is the new iPhone Killer!... some journalists love to write that without even wondering why is it that the iPhone is so successful). Ok…so, lots of you might be thinking why is it that I consider the IDOU a bad product, it looks pretty cool on the pic; and the truth is that it does look really cool and I am sure that it has some awesome functionalities (I own a K790 and it is a very good phone).
Also, I should say that the IDOU is not even in the market yet, Sony-Ericsson is just showing it off at the GSMA (IDOU is not even the commercial name… most likely they will launch it as something else), so a good judgment of the phone cannot be made as of right now.
Now taking this in consideration, the phone does have a feature that I believe makes it bad…a 12.1 MegaPixel (mp) camera!!... yes I consider that a bad thing! Why?? Because the only thing that a 12.1 mp photograph does is occupy memory in your phone or memory card and increase the price of the handset. Photographs with such high resolution only are needed if you are going to print the picture in huge dimensions…let’s say a billboard or a poster…and I really doubt that you will be making a poster of the picture that you took of your colleague sleeping in his desk or you and your buddies in the middle of a bar.
Most pictures that are taken with a phone are for Facebook or your computer…that is if they make it out of your phone!… just think about how many pictures you have in your phone that you haven’t transferred to your computer. In fact, why don’t you try this…. Just start browsing right now, I promise you that you will laugh… it is like taking a drive down memory lane.
And even if the pics do come out of your mobile, how many have you printed? and of those… how many have you printed in a size bigger than a standard A4 piece of paper?... Very few right?? So would you need a phone with a 12.1 mp camera?...don’t think so… a 3.2 mp camera is more than enough resolution for the use of mobile generated photographs.
So why pay the price of a high-resolution camera and need to buy a high capacity memory card to hold the super heavy photos of your drunk buddies? At least I don’t see the point…